IV International Ceramics and Architecture Congress "Ceramics and Air"

The Ceramic Tile Studies Department -Madrid focuses on three areas of activity. The first is a series of three annual conferences that reflect on ceramics in relation to the central themes of architecture. The unpublished papers presented at the conferences are then included in a publication that is available to the public at the end of each conference series.  Secondly, and as part of the course programme organised by the Architecture Projects teaching unit in collaboration with the Building Department, in-depth work is carried out into building materials and construction, with ceramic tiles and their use forming a fundamental part of the course. 

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The prize is open to architects with their professional domicile in one of the six participating countries, namely the Walloon and Brussels-Capital regions in Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain, and whose works have also been built in these territories. Works will only be considered for this prize if they were built between January 1st, 2011, and January 1st, 2015, in all the participating countries except Portugal, where it will be possible to present works built between January 1st, 2007, and January 1st, 2015, as this country has been included in the prize for the first time in this second edition. All works shortlisted, whether runners-up or winners, in the first edition of the Prize are not eligible for submission in this second edition.


Source: http://architectureaward.bigmat.com/

Video documental sobre el arquitecto Saenz de Oiza

Aproximación a la obra del arquitecto Saenz de Oiza y al proceso de creación en la arquitectura, desde el croquis a la obra construida. Oiza está considerado como uno de los mejores arquitectos de la España contemporánea.

Monográfico dedicado al arquitecto Francisco Javier Saenz de Oiza, fallecido, en el 2000, en el que habla de su obra, de los arquitectos más famosos del siglo. Entre sus obras más famosas está el palacio de festivales de Cantabria el edificio BBV, Torres Blancas o la Basílica de Aranzazu.

Source: http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/tres-aq...